Your support matters

Make a Donation

You can make a difference in the lives of children and assure the well-being of the next generation. It is imperative to give all children a strong early start through high quality child care and early education. These early experiences have a profound and long-lasting positive impact on the current well-being of our children, as well as future life outcomes in education, employment, health, citizenship and life satisfaction. Your gift will help our children, their families and our community!

Child Care Choices is a 501(c)3 with the mission to spark positive change and growth in the child care capacity in Miami County by partnering with providers, businesses, area governments and families. We will do this by advocating for high quality child care, providing rich training experiences and training to providers, educating local businesses and our community on the value of quality child care, and giving families the tools they need to make informed child care decisions.

Click “Donate” below to make a donation! Thank you!